
Saturday, 24 September 2016

Meaning of "Making Kindness go Viral?"

                                       Walt: Write an Example about "Making Kindness go Viral."
Image result for make kindness go viral

What does "Making Kindness go Viral?" mean, Making kindness go viral means that you can help an old lady who needs help with her shopping & they look really heavy for her to carry, ask the lady if she needs help with her shopping so she doesn't have to get stressed out.

If your Mum is doing the Cooking, give your mum a hand & try to make sure that you're mum doesn't do all the work by herself because that will put a lot of pressure on herself and she won't be able to do somethings anymore. If your mum is washing the car, make sure that you help your mum out no matter what so it can make her job so much easier for her.

If your Dad is cleaning the house, make sure to give your dad a hand just by taking some of the chores and doing some of the hardest stuff because we are young, smart & we are also strong to be able to do anything. If your little sister needs help with her school work, always help her out to make sure that she completes her school work.

If a homeless man or woman has no food or money, try giving them money or at least share your food with them because that will brighten their day and start their day on a good note. If someone is sad, buy them flowers so it could make them smile again and to start their day on a good term, If someone is fundraising something, try and show your support by donating money to them or at least help them out.

I did 3 things for my mum today, I helped her clean the car, than I helped her dry the whole car and last but not least, I did all my chores so that my mum doesn't need to worry to much about doing all the hard things. Making Kindness go Viral is really important because you're showing people that if we spread kindness around the world, than the world can become a better place to stay in.

It is also about "Making Kindness go Viral" and to always show people that you are trying to show them that your are trying to help them out by spreading kindness to each corner of the world. Always make sure to spread the kindness during the Holidays and to never stop spreading Kindness.


  1. I love this explanation Roimata. Your Mum is very lucky to have you. Keep up the holiday posts.

    Mrs Burt

    1. Thank you so much for the amazing kind comment.
