
Friday 20 October 2017

Niue Language Week

Walt: Write a blog post about Pt England's special performance

Today the Niue group presented their amazing performance to show off their culture. They are proud of their heritage and would like to show us what they have learnt, from their amazing tutors. The people who taught them was Miss Lagitupu and another teacher. The way they introduced themselves was wonderful, it's because they managed to say where their family is from. 

What I really liked was the girls amazing costumes that they wore. It was so bright and colorful. I also enjoyed the boys haka that they performed with such strength. The introductions surprised me because not much people can speak their own language. TJ's introduction was loud and clear, I could tell that he was proud of his land and people.

But the one thing that shocked me the most, was seeing so much people who aren't Niuean and they are joining in. Everybody that performed looked very proud to be performing their culture and to show everybody that their culture is special to them and they want to cherish it. Their entrance song was interesting because everyone knew that it would be cool to watch what they have learnt.

Pt England School is proud of what they have learnt in just 1 week. The people who performed should be proud of what they have shown towards the school and their amazing tutors. I look forward to seeing more performances in the future.

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