
Friday 24 July 2015


On Friday, I was with my mum and my little sister. When we got to Sylvia Park we were taking some pictures of the new mini golf. Before we went into the Cinemas we had to decide what movie we will be watching. 2 of us chose to watch the minions and the other 2 decide to watch inside out. But my cousin decide to watch Inside out, so when we entered the cinemas we were looking at the big screen to see what time the movie starts.

Then my cousin went and paid for the tickets so then we can get inside. When the tickets were paid off we went to pake’n save to buy some food to eat so then we won’t get really hungry. When we finished shopping we were looking around the mall and looking at all the shops where we can buy heaps of clothes. Then we went back to the cinemas to go and watch our movie, before we entered my cousin asked us if we needed to go to the toilet. 

While I was waiting for my other small cousins to hurry up, we were looking at the new movies that will be coming out on September. The new movies that I was really excited to watch was Hotel Transylvania and Pixel, I was so excited and I cannot wait to watch the new movies that will be coming out in the afternoon. When we entered the room it was so quiet while we were looking for our seats.

The movie was about to begin, I was so happy that I came to watch Inside out. I was sitting down on my seat and eating some nachos then the movie started, there was a girl and she had feelings inside herself. There names were Fear, Anger, Happy, Sadness and Disgust. They all had different talents. Riley was a really sweet and happy girl that likes to have fun. Riley’s emotions control her memory and some of riley’s important memories are kept safe because they are the important things that happened in her life.  

My favourite part of the movie was when Happy and Sadness came back to help the other emotions. When the movie was finished I wished to come back to the movies to watch another cool movie. That is what I did in the holidays.

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