
Monday, 21 May 2018


Walt: "Explaining what I've learnt about how all living things do Mrs Gren?"

 Our task was to explain what M.R.S G.R.E.N meant and it needed to be related to our animal that we have chosen. The people in our group was Journey, Daniella and myself, we were working on a lobster. Miss Wells got some cells from each animal and made us look through the microscope to figure out what kind of animal it was. All living things like Trees, Bugs and other insects uses the same thing called "Mrs Gren?" but they do it in different ways. Unlike mechanical things like Cars, they can move and excretion smoke but can't reproduce, only because it's not alive - they only do SOME M.R.S. G.R.E.N things.


  1. Thanks for your post Roimata :) I always appreciate how you express your understanding in your own words. You have understood well that all living things can do MRS GREN in their own way, but that non-living things won't do all of them.

  2. You worked so well in your group Roimata and knew what you needed to do. You demonstrated with your poster using MRS GREN, to make your understanding easier for me to see. Good to see your enjoyment of science. Thank you for sharing your learning.
